The Baduwa't Documentary Film Fund image

The Baduwa't Documentary Film Fund

Protect the Baduwa't watershed (aka Mad River watershed) Before It's Too Late

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Donate to Preserve Baduwa't for Future Generations

The Baduwa't watershed (known as the Mad River watershed) is at a tipping point. Not only is this ecologically and biologically diverse 500-square mile watershed currently the sole source of drinking water for 90,000 Humboldt County residents, (think about the water, coffee, or beer that you drink) but also serves as a critical habitat for sustaining a multitude of wildlife and other creatures living within the basin.

The Baduwa’t watershed was home to many generations of the original inhabitants of this land, with the last remaining tribe, the Wiyot, currently residing on a very small fragment of the original tribal range. Unfortunately we have gotten away from the land management traditions of Native Tribes and poor land use management has led to degradation in the watershed ecosystem.

This film will look at how traditions of Native Tribes and better land practices are critical to the recovery and preservation of one of the most crucially important climate refuges in the Pacific Northwest, Baduwa't.

The documentary, Baduwa’t, will increase the awareness of how the Baduwa’t watershed is a climate refuge, and will make it clear how a concerted effort should be made to protect and conserve this Natural Treasure. Be a part of preserving the Baduwa't watershed and ensuring its recovery for future generations.